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SDG 9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

SDG 9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

SDG 9 Definition

SDG 9 Explained

Why is SDG 9 Important?

SDG 9 Targets

SDG 9 Indicators

SDG 9 Problems or Challenges

SDG 9 solutions

SDG9 Achievements

SDG 9 Progress

How is Fabric Lagbe Contributing to Fulfill SDG 9?


SDG 9 Definition: SDG 9 stands for Sustainable Development Goal 9, one of the 17 goals stood by the United Nations in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Improvement. The goal aims to "Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation."

Overall, SDG 9 aims to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth while ensuring that the infrastructure and industries supporting this growth are resilient, environmentally friendly, and accessible.


SDG 9 Explained With Example: One of the targets under SDG 9 is to promote sustainable and resilient infrastructure. A great example is the Masdar City project in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The Masdar City project is a sustainable city development that aims to be carbon-neutral and zero-waste.

SDG 9 industry, innovation and Infrastructure

The project features various sustainable infrastructure elements, including a smart electrical grid, electric and driverless public transportation, and a sustainable waste management system. The city is powered by renewable energy, including a solar farm, wind turbines, and geothermal cooling systems.

The Masdar City project also includes sustainable and innovative buildings, such as the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, designed to be the world's most sustainable university campus. The campus features solar panels, a green roof, and a wastewater treatment system that recycles water for use in landscaping.

The project is an excellent example of how sustainable infrastructure can support economic development while promoting human well-being and reducing negative environmental impacts. It is an innovative and sustainable city that provides a blueprint for future cities.


Why is SDG 9 Important?

Economic Development: Infrastructure and industrialization are essential for economic growth and development. SDG 9 promotes the development of quality, reliable, and sustainable infrastructure, which can support economic growth and increase productivity. Inclusive and sustainable industrialization can also create employment opportunities and contribute to economic development.


Sustainable Development: SDG 9 recognizes the need to develop infrastructure and industries sustainably. It reduces negative environmental impacts and promotes sustainable practices like resource efficiency and clean technologies. It is critical to achieving sustainable development and ensuring that future generations can also benefit from economic growth.

SDG 9 industry, innovation and Infrastructure

Innovation: SDG 9 also emphasizes the need for innovation in infrastructure and industry. That includes adopting new technologies and practices to make infrastructure and drive more efficient and sustainable. Encouraging innovation can also create new opportunities for economic growth and development.


Inclusive Development: SDG 9 aims to promote inclusive economic development, meaning that infrastructure and industries should be accessible to all, including marginalized communities. It is critical to reducing inequality and promoting social and financial inclusion.


Support to Developing Countries: SDG 9 recognizes the need to provide technical and financial support to developing countries to promote sustainable infrastructure and industrial development. This support can help ensure that developing countries benefit from economic growth and development and achieve sustainable development.


Overall, SDG 9 is significant because it encourages long-term economic growth and development while ensuring that infrastructure and industries create sustainably and inclusively. It benefits all people and protects the environment.


SDG 9 Targets:

The targets of SDG 9 are as follows:

  1. Expand quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure, including regional and trans-border infrastructure, to shelter economic development and human well-being, focusing on affordable and equitable access.
  2. Enhance inclusive and sustainable industrialization and, by 2030, notably, raise the industry's share of employment and gross domestic product (GDP) in line with national situations, and double its share in the least developed regions.
  3. Improve the integration of small businesses into value chains and marketplaces and their access to financial services, notably affordable loans, especially in developing countries.
  4. Upgrade structure and retrofit industries to do them sustainable, with gained resource-use efficiency and more extraordinary reception of clean and environmentally voice technologies and industrial methods.
  5. Enhance scientific research, raise the technological capabilities of industrial areas in all countries, particularly expanding countries, and, by 2030, encourage newness and substantially increase the number of research and improvement workers per 1 million people and universal and private research and improvement costs.
  6. Facilitate sustainable and resilient infrastructure improvement in developing regions through enhanced financial, technological, and technical shelter to African countries, least developed areas, landlocked developing countries, and Small Island Developing sectors by 2020.

Overall, the targets of SDG 9 aim to promote sustainable infrastructure, industrialization, and innovation while protecting the environment and promoting inclusive economic growth and development.


SDG 9 Indicators:

The indicators for SDG 9 are:

  1. The proportion of the urban population who live within 2 km of an all-season road
  2. Peripatetic and freight volumes by mode of transport
  3. Creating value added as a proportion of GDP and per capita
  4. The ratio of small-scale industries in total industry value added
  5. Inquiry and development expenditure as a proportion of GDP
  6. The percentage of individuals using the Internet
  7. Carbon dioxide emissions per unit of weight added
  8. Renewable energy shares in the total final energy consumption
  9. The balance of the population with access to electricity
  10. The proportion of people with access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation
  11. Mobile broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants

These indicators aim to measure the progress made towards achieving SDG 9 targets. They cover various aspects, including infrastructure access, sustainable technologies, innovation, and inclusive economic growth. The indicators also aim to monitor the environmental impact of infrastructure and industrial development, including carbon emissions and the use of renewable energy.


SDG 9 Problems or Challenges:

There are several challenges and problems related to the achievement of SDG 9:

  1. Funding: One of the significant challenges in achieving SDG 9 is the lack of funding. Developing sustainable and resilient infrastructure and industries requires substantial investments, which may not always be available, particularly in low-income countries. That makes it challenging for many countries to develop infrastructure that meets the needs of their citizens.
  2. Lack of capacity: Developing sustainable infrastructure and industries demands specialized knowledge and skills, which may not always be available in many countries. The lack of power to design, implement, and maintain sustainable infrastructure and industries is a significant challenge.
  3. Inequality: Infrastructure development often focuses on urban areas, neglecting rural areas and marginalized communities. That creates inequalities in access to infrastructure and economic opportunities, contributing to social and economic exclusion.
  4. Climate change: Climate change significantly threatens sustainable infrastructure development and industries. The need to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and adopt sustainable practices in infrastructure and initiatives is critical to achieving SDG 9.
  5. Political instability: Political instability, conflicts, and wars in many countries make planning and implementing sustainable infrastructure and industrial development challenging. These conflicts can also destroy existing infrastructure, delaying achieving SDG 9.
  6. Digital divide: The digital divide, or the unequal distribution of access to digital technologies, is a significant challenge to achieving SDG 9. Lack of access to digital technologies can limit access to information, education, and economic opportunities, particularly in low-income countries.

Addressing these challenges and problems is critical to achieving SDG 9 and ensuring sustainable infrastructure and industrial development that benefits everyone and protects the environment.


SDG Solutions

To address the challenges and problems related to the achievement of SDG 9, the following solutions can be considered:

  1. Increased investment: Governments and private sector organizations can increase investment in sustainable infrastructure and industries to meet the growing demand for essential services, such as transportation, energy, and water. That is done through public-private partnerships and by mobilizing resources from international financial institutions and donor organizations.
  2. Capacity building: Building the capacity of local communities and governments to plan, design, implement, and maintain sustainable infrastructure and industries is crucial to achieving SDG 9. Education and the transfer of knowledge and skills can achieve capacity building.
  3. Inclusive approach: Infrastructure development should be inclusive and consider the needs of marginalized communities, including women, children, and people living in rural areas. That can achieve by engaging local communities in planning and implementing infrastructure projects and ensuring that the benefits of infrastructure development are shared equitably.
  4. Climate action: Addressing climate change is critical to achieving sustainable infrastructure and industrial development. Governments and private sector organizations can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by investing in renewable energy, energy-efficient technologies, and sustainable transportation systems.
  5. Political stability: Political stability is essential for sustainable infrastructure and industrial development. Governments should prioritize peace-building efforts and work towards resolving conflicts and promoting resilience.
  6. Digital access: Governments and private sector organizations can work to reduce the digital divide by investing in digital infrastructure and providing access to digital technologies, particularly in low-income countries.

Overall, addressing the challenges related to SDG 9 requires a coordinated effort from governments, private sector organizations, civil society, and international organizations. By adopting a sustainable and inclusive approach to infrastructure and industrial development, we can ensure everyone can access essential services and economic opportunities while protecting the environment for future generations.


SDG 9 Achievements

The progress towards achieving SDG 9 has been significant in some areas. Here are some of the achievements:

  1. Increased access to infrastructure: There had increased access to transportation, energy, and water supply. In many countries, more people have access to essential services such as electricity, clean water, and improved sanitation.
  2. Sustainable industrialization: Many countries have made progress towards sustainable development by adopting green technologies and reducing carbon emissions. The share of renewable force in the total final energy consumption has increased in many countries, while the use of coal and other fossil fuels has decreased.
  3. Innovation: Technology and industry innovation have accelerated in recent years with advancements in artificial intelligence, robotics, and digital technologies. That has contributed to economic growth, job creation, and increased productivity.
  4. Investment in infrastructure: There has been an increase in investment in infrastructure development, particularly in low-income countries. The private sector has also contributed significantly to infrastructure development through public-private partnerships and other financing mechanisms.
  5. Capacity building: Capacity building efforts had undertaken to equip local communities and governments with the skills and knowledge to plan, design, and implement sustainable infrastructure and industrial development.
  6. Digital access: The number of people using the Internet has increased significantly in recent years, particularly in developing countries. That has opened up new economic opportunities, improved access to information and education, and facilitated communication and connectivity.

While advances had made, there is still a long way to go to gain SDG 9 fully. Challenges such as funding, political instability, and the digital divide continue to hinder progress. However, with continued efforts and collaboration between governments, private sector organizations, and civil society, the world can move closer to achieving SDG 9 and ensuring sustainable infrastructure and industrial development for all.


SDG 9 Progress

 The progress towards achieving SDG 9 has been mixed, with significant advancements in some areas and continued challenges in others. Here are some highlights of the progress toward SDG 9:

  1. Access to infrastructure: Progress had made towards increasing access to infrastructure, particularly in low-income countries. In many countries, more people have access to essential services such as electricity, clean water, and improved sanitation.
  2. Sustainable industrialization: There has been progress towards sustainable development, with many countries adopting green technologies and reducing carbon emissions. The share of renewable force in the total final energy consumption has increased in many countries, while the use of coal and other fossil fuels has decreased.
  3. Investment in infrastructure: Investment in infrastructure development has increased, particularly in low-income countries. The private sector has also contributed significantly to infrastructure development through public-private partnerships and other financing mechanisms.
  4. Innovation: Innovation in technology and industry has accelerated with advancements in artificial intelligence, robotics, and digital technologies. That has contributed to economic growth, job creation, and increased productivity.
  5. Capacity building: Capacity building efforts had undertaken to equip local communities and governments with the skills and knowledge to plan, design, and implement sustainable infrastructure and industrial development.
  6. Digital access: The number of people using the Internet has increased significantly, particularly in developing countries. That has opened up new economic opportunities, improved access to information and education, and facilitated communication and connectivity.

Despite these advancements, there are still several objections to achieving SDG 9, including:

  1. Funding: Adequate funding for infrastructure development and sustainable industrialization is still a significant challenge, particularly in low-income countries.
  2. Political instability: Political instability and conflicts continue to hinder progress toward achieving SDG 9 in some regions.
  3. Inequalities: Inequalities in access to infrastructure and economic opportunities still exist, particularly for marginalized communities.
  4. Digital divide: The digital divide between high-income and low-income countries remains a significant challenge, with many people still lacking access to digital technologies and the Internet.

Overall, progress towards SDG 9 has been mixed, with advancements in some areas and continued challenges in others. However, with sustained efforts and collaboration between governments, private sector organizations, and civil society, the world can move closer to achieving SDG 9 and ensuring sustainable infrastructure and industrial development for all.


How is Fabric Lagbe Contributing to Fulfill SDG 9?

Fabric Lagbe, a Bangladesh-based startup, is contributing to fulfilling SDG 9 by promoting sustainable industrialization and innovation in the textile industry. Here are some ways in which Fabric Lagbe is contributing towards SDG 9:

  1. Promoting sustainable practices: Fabric Lagbe promotes sustainable practices in the textile industry by encouraging eco-friendly and organic fabrics, reducing waste, and promoting circular economy practices. That helps reduce the textile industry's environmental impact and supports sustainable industrialization.
  2. Encouraging innovation: Fabric Lagbe is encouraging innovation in the textile industry by using digital technology to streamline the supply chain, reduce costs and improve efficiency. That helps to promote innovation and increased productivity, which is critical for sustainable industrial development.
  3. Creating economic opportunities: Fabric Lagbe is creating economic opportunities for local communities by promoting local textile businesses and connecting them to a broader market. That helps to create jobs and support sustainable economic growth.
  4. Capacity building: Fabric Lagbe also contributes to capacity building by providing training and support to local textile businesses. That helps equip local communities with the skills and knowledge to plan, design, and implement sustainable industrial development.

Overall, Fabric Lagbe is making significant contributions towards achieving SDG 9 by promoting sustainable industrialization, encouraging innovation, creating economic opportunities, and providing capacity-building support to local communities.