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Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG12 or Global Goal 12)

Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG12 or Global Goal 12)


The following are the essential aspects of Sustainable Development Goal 12:


SDG meaning

SDG Goals

How to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Production and Consumption Meaning

Sustainable production and consumption examples


Responsible Production and Consumption

Sustainable Development Goals 12

How to Achieve Responsible Production and Consumption

Sustainable Production and Consumption Patterns in Fashion

How can we achieve SDG 12?

SDG 12 Color Code

SDG 12 challenges

SDG 12 Case Study

SDG 12: Responsible Production and Consumption

Ensure sustainable production and consumption patterns.

Global Goal 12

SDG 12 Targets and Indicators

How to Fulfill SDG 12 by Fabric Lagbe


SDG Meaning

SDG stands for Sustainable Development Goals. The United Nations set 17 global objectives to achieve sustainable development by 2030 to reach sustainable development by 2030. The goals aim to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all, and cover various areas such as education, health, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, economic growth, climate action, and more.


SDG Goals

The SDGs seek to eradicate poverty, safeguard the environment, and provide prosperity for all.

 The 17 goals are:

1. No Poverty:

Finish poverty in all its forms and dimensions by 2030. It includes eradicating extreme poverty, reducing inequality, and ensuring access to essential services and resources such as education, healthcare, clean water, and sanitation.

SDG12_No Poverty


2. Zero Hunger

It aims to end hunger, achieve food security, and improve nutrition by 2030. Ensure everyone, especially the most vulnerable populations, has access to enough nutritious food all year.

SDG12_Zero Hunger


3. Good Health and Well-being

This goal includes reducing maternal and child mortality, combating communicable and non-communicable diseases, promoting mental health and well-being, and increasing access to safe, affordable, and effective healthcare services. Achieving Good Health and Well-being requires a comprehensive and integrated approach that involves strengthening healthcare systems, improving health literacy, promoting healthy lifestyles, and addressing the root causes of health inequalities. Secure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages by 2030.

SDG12_Good Health and Well-being

4. Quality Education

Confirm inclusive and equitable education and promote lifelong learning opportunities by 2030. It provides access to affordable, quality pre-primary, primary, and secondary education and vocational and tertiary education. Quality education should be relevant, effective, and responsive to the changing needs of individuals and societies, and it should promote critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

SDG12_Quality Education

5. Gender Equality

They eliminate discrimination and violence against women and girls, promote women's leadership and participation in decision-making processes, and ensure equal access to education, health care, and employment opportunities. Ensure that all individuals, regardless of gender, have equal rights, options, and access to resources and services by 2030. Promote the empowerment of women and girls, including their economic and political empowerment, and eliminate harmful habits, such as child marriage and female genital mutilation.

SDG12_Gender Equality

6. Clean Water and Sanitation

It improves sanitation and hygiene practices, including access to basic sanitation facilities and education. Confirm universal access to safe, affordable drinking water and enough sanitation and hygiene by 2030. It is critical to meet the needs of most previous groups, such as those living in rural regions or informal settlements, and to promote gender equality in access to water and sanitation.

SDG12_Clean Water and Sanitation

7. Affordable and Clean Energy

Achieving Affordable and Clean Energy requires strong political commitment, adequate resources, and effective policies and strategies that address the challenges of energy systems, such as inadequate infrastructure, high costs, and environmental degradation. It requires the engagement and collaboration of all stakeholders, including governments, private sections, civil society organizations, and individuals.

SDG12_Affordable and Clean Energy


8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

It creates employment opportunities that provide fair wages, social protection, and safe working conditions. It promotes entrepreneurship and innovation to stimulate economic growth—reducing informal employment and ensuring equal benefits for women and men in the labor market.

SDG12_Decent Work and Economic Growth

9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, improve sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation by 2030. To support economic growth and sustainable development, we are improving quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure, such as transportation systems, communication networks, and energy facilities. Achieving Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure requires strong political commitment, adequate resources, and effective policies and strategies addressing infrastructure development challenges, such as insufficient funding, inadequate planning, and environmental degradation.

SDG12_Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure


10. Reduced Inequalities

It promotes policies and measures that reduce economic, social, and political inequalities, such as progressive taxation, social protection programs, and anti-discrimination laws. It also focuses on empowering and promoting all social, economic, and political inclusion, regardless of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, or financial status.


11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

Create inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable cities and communities by 2030. It reduces the environmental impact of cities, such as air pollution, waste, and unsustainable consumption patterns, and promotes sustainable management of natural resources. It supports sustainable urbanization and urban planning that considers environmental, social, and economic sustainability, promoting affordable and sustainable housing, green spaces, and public transportation.

SDG12_Sustainable Cities and Communities


12. Responsible Consumption and Production

Requires the engagement and collaboration of all stakeholders, including governments, private sections, civil society organizations, and individuals, to promote sustainable and responsible consumption and production patterns that respect planetary boundaries and promote social equity. Promote sustainable consumption and production patterns by 2030. This goal includes promoting resource efficiency, sustainable and circular consumption and production, and reducing waste generation, emissions, and environmental impacts throughout the entire lifecycle of products and services.

SDG12_Responsible Consumption and Production

13. Climate Action

Take immediate action to combat climate change and its impacts by 2030. This goal includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-induced effects, and promoting low-carbon and sustainable development pathways. Achieving Climate Action requires strong political commitment, adequate resources, and effective policies and strategies that address the challenges of climate change, such as mitigation and adaptation measures, investment in renewable energy, and the protection and restoration of ecosystems.

SDG12_Climate Action

14. Life Below Water

Save and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable improvement by 2030. They are protecting and restoring aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity, reducing marine pollution, increasing the sustainable use of marine resources, and enhancing scientific knowledge, research, and capacity-building to address the challenges facing the oceans and seas.

SDG12_Life Below Water

15. Life on Land

Defend, restore, and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, forests, and biodiversity by 2030. Conserving and restoring terrestrial ecosystems, promoting sustainable land use practices, combating desertification and land degradation, and protecting and restoring biodiversity

SDG12_Life on Land

16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Enhancing the involvement of all stakeholders, including women, youth, and marginalized groups, in decision-making processes and governance. Achieving Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions requires strong political commitment, adequate resources, and effective policies and strategies addressing the challenges of peace, justice, and governance, such as promoting human rights, the rule of law, and inclusive and participatory decision-making.

SDG12_Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

17. Partnerships for the Goals

Implementation and revitalize the universal partnership for sustainable improvement by 2030. It promotes effective collaboration and cooperation at all levels to achieve the SDGs, including exchanging knowledge, expertise, and resources. It mobilizes financial resources, technology transfer, and capacity-building to support the implementation of the SDGs, particularly in developing countries.

Partnerships for the Goals

Each objective contains precise targets to be completed by 2030.


How to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals

Gaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires the collective effort of governments, the private sector, civil society, and individuals. Here are some ideas for working together to achieve the SDGs:

1. Awareness and advocacy: Raising awareness about the SDGs and advocating for their implementation can help increase political will and public support.

2. Partnerships and collaboration: The SDGs require collective action, and partnerships between different stakeholders can help drive progress toward achieving them.

3. Investment and financing: Investing in sustainable development and mobilizing financial resources for the SDGs can help ensure their implementation.

4. Innovation and technology: Leveraging technology and innovation can help create new solutions to address the challenges faced in achieving the SDGs.

5. Policy and governance: Adopting policies and governance frameworks that promote sustainable development can help drive progress toward the SDGs.

6. Education and capacity-building: building the capacity of individuals and institutions and providing education and training can help create a more sustainable future.

7. Monitoring and reporting: Monitoring progress towards the SDGs and reporting on achievements and challenges can help ensure accountability and transparency.

By working together and taking action in these areas, we can move towards



Sustainable Production and Consumption Meaning

Sustainable production and consumption refer to using resources to fulfill current demands without jeopardizing future generations' ability to meet their own.

This concept involves reducing the negative environmental impacts of production and consumption activities while promoting economic growth, social development, and environmental protection.

Sustainable production and consumption involve adopting practices that reduce resource use, waste, and pollution. That includes promoting renewable energy sources, minimizing non-renewable resources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting sustainable agriculture and forestry practices.


Sustainable consumption involves:

  • Making informed choices as consumers, such as buying sustainable products.
  • Reducing waste.
  • Promoting the reuse and recycling of materials.

That also involves encouraging businesses to adopt sustainable practices, such as reducing packaging and promoting product stewardship.

Overall, sustainable production and consumption are about balancing the needs of the present with the requirements of future generations while promoting economic development and social well-being.


Sustainable production and consumption examples

Here are some examples of sustainable production and consumption practices:

1. Sustainable agriculture: Using sustainable agriculture practices, such as crop rotation and integrated pest management, can reduce the negative environmental impacts of agriculture while promoting economic growth and social development.

2. Renewable energy: Using renewable sources like solar or wind power can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable energy production.

3. Energy-efficient products: Choosing energy-efficient products, such as LED light bulbs and appliances, can reduce energy consumption and save money.

4. Waste reduction and recycling: Composting and recycling, for example, can help minimize the quantity of trash transported to landfills, save resources, and encourage a circular economy.

5. Sustainable forestry: Sustainable forestry practices, such as selective harvesting and replanting, can help protect forest ecosystems while supporting economic growth and social development.

6. Sustainable transportation: Encouraging sustainable mobility choices such as cycling, walking, and public transit can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions while promoting healthier communities.

7. Product stewardship: Promoting product stewardship, such as designing products for reuse and recycling, can reduce waste and promote sustainable production and consumption.

By adopting these and other sustainable production and consumption practices, we can work towards a more sustainable future for all.



SDG 12 is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations to achieve sustainable development by 2030. It focuses on responsible consumption and production. The goal aims to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns, reduce waste generation, promote resource efficiency, and encourage the development and adoption of sustainable technologies and practices.

The targets of SDG 12 include the promotion of sustainable public procurement, reducing food waste and losses along the food supply chain, promoting sustainable tourism, improving waste management practices, and increasing awareness and education on sustainable consumption and production. By achieving these targets, SDG 12 aims to promote economic growth, reduce negative environmental impacts, and ensure a more sustainable future for all.


Responsible Production and Consumption

Responsible production and consumption refers to the responsible and sustainable use of resources throughout production and consumption. It involves reducing negative environmental and social impacts and promoting economic development while ensuring that the needs of current and future generations meet.

Responsible production involves:

  • We are adopting environmentally and socially responsible practices throughout production, including using sustainable and renewable resources.
  • We are reducing waste and pollution.
  • We are promoting the efficient use of resources.

It involves taking into account the entire life cycle of a product, from design to disposal, and incorporating sustainable practices at each stage.


Responsible consumption involves:

  • We make informed and sustainable consumer choices, including buying sustainably produced products.
  • We are reducing waste and pollution.
  • We are raising the reuse and recycling of materials.


It also involves promoting sustainable business practices, such as reducing packaging and promoting product stewardship.

Responsible production and consumption promote economic growth, social development, and environmental protection while ensuring that resources use sustainably and responsibly. We can achieve a more sustainable and equitable future by adopting responsible production and consumption practices.


Sustainable Development Goals 12

Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG 12) focuses on responsible consumption and production. The goal aims to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns, reduce waste generation, promote resource efficiency, and encourage the development and adoption sustainable technologies and practices.

The targets of SDG 12 include the promotion of sustainable public procurement, reducing food waste and losses along the food supply chain, promoting sustainable tourism, improving waste management practices, and increasing awareness and education on sustainable consumption and production.

By achieving the targets of SDG 12, we can work towards a more sustainable and responsible future while promoting economic growth, reducing negative environmental impacts, and ensuring that the needs of current and future generations meet. The goal is essential for achieving sustainable development, as responsible consumption and production patterns are critical to mitigating the impacts of climate change, protecting ecosystems, and promoting social and economic development.


How to Achieve Responsible Production and Consumption

Responsible production and consumption require a collective effort from individuals, businesses, and governments. Here are some steps that take to achieve responsible production and consumption:

1. Promote sustainable production practices: This involves adopting environmentally and socially responsible practices throughout the production process, such as using sustainable and renewable resources, reducing waste and pollution, and promoting the efficient use of resources.

2. Encourage sustainable consumption: This involves promoting informed and sustainable choices as consumers, including buying products that sustainably produce, reducing waste and pollution, and promoting the reuse and recycling of materials. That also involves promoting sustainable business practices, such as reducing packaging and promoting product stewardship.

3. Develop sustainable technologies: Developing and adopting sustainable technologies and practices, such as renewable energy and agriculture, can help reduce negative environmental impacts and promote sustainable production and consumption.

4. Implement policies and regulations: Governments can play a crucial role in promoting responsible production and consumption by implementing policies and regulations that encourage sustainable practices and discourage unsustainable practices.

5. Raising awareness and education: Increasing awareness and education on responsible production and consumption can help promote sustainable practices and behavior change.

Overall, achieving responsible production and consumption requires a collective effort from all stakeholders. By adopting sustainable practices, promoting sustainable consumption, developing sustainable technologies, implementing policies and regulations, and raising awareness and education, we can work towards a more sustainable and responsible future for all.


Sustainable Production and Consumption Patterns in Fashion

The fashion business is one of the largest in the world, and it has a tremendous influence on the environment and society. It may establish sustainable production and consumption habits in the fashion business, including:


Use of Sustainable Materials: Sustainable materials such as organic cotton, recycled polyester, and Tencel can use in fashion production. These materials are eco-friendly, biodegradable, and reduce the environmental impact of fashion production.


1. Reduce Waste: Waste can minimize by using sustainable and efficient production techniques. Reducing textile waste through upcycling, recycling, and repairing promotes sustainable production and consumption.


2. Ethical Production: Ethical production practices that ensure it should adopt. Reasonable labor practices, safe working conditions, and living wages should be a priority in the fashion industry.


3. Circular Economy: The adoption of circular economy principles, which involves designing out waste and keeping products in use


How can we achieve SDG 12?

Achieving SDG 12, which focuses on responsible consumption and production, requires a collective effort from individuals, businesses, and governments. Here are some strategies for achieving SDG 12:

1. Promote Sustainable Consumption: Encourage sustainable consumption habits, such as reducing food waste, using eco-friendly products, and buying locally produced goods. Raising awareness through education and campaigns can promote sustainable consumption.

2. Adopt Sustainable Production Practices: Businesses can adopt sustainable production practices that reduce waste and negative environmental impacts. It includes using sustainable materials, reducing emissions, and minimizing waste.

3. Implement Policies and Regulations: Governments can implement policies and regulations that encourage sustainable production and consumption patterns. That can include incentivizing businesses to adopt sustainable practices, regulating harmful practices, and promoting sustainable innovation.

4. Develop Sustainable Technologies: Developing and adopting sustainable technologies can help reduce negative environmental impacts and promote sustainable production and consumption patterns.

5. Promote Sustainable Public Procurement: Governments and businesses can promote sustainable public procurement by purchasing eco-friendly products and services with a lower environmental impact.

6. Collaborate with Stakeholders: Collaboration among stakeholders, including businesses, governments, NGOs, and consumers, can help to achieve SDG 12 by promoting sustainable practices, sharing knowledge, and encouraging behavior change.

Overall, achieving SDG 12 requires a collective effort from all stakeholders. By promoting sustainable consumption, adopting sustainable production practices, implementing policies and regulations, developing sustainable technologies, promoting sustainable public procurement, and collaborating with stakeholders, We will all work together to build a more sustainable future.


SDG 12 Color Code

The official color code for SDG 12 is Pantone 369 C, a green shade. That shade of green chose because it represents nature, growth, and harmony with the environment. These values align with the goal of SDG 12, which is to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns that are in connection with the environment.

Pantone 369 C is a bright and lively green, representing optimism and hope for a sustainable future. It is a color associated with sustainability, meaning protecting the natural world for future generations.

In addition, using a specific color code for SDG 12 helps create a visual identity for the goal. That allows for greater recognition and awareness of the purpose and can help to promote action and progress toward achieving it.

Overall, using Pantone 369 C as the official color code for SDG 12 is a symbolic representation of the goal's focus on sustainability and serves as a visual reminder of the importance of promoting responsible consumption and production patterns for a sustainable future.


SDG 12 challenges

There are several challenges to achieving SDG 12, which focuses on responsible consumption and production. Some of the main challenges include:

1. Limited Awareness and Education: Many people must be aware of the negative impact of unsustainable consumption and production patterns on the environment and society. This lack of awareness and education can make promoting behavior change and encouraging sustainable practices difficult.

2. High Demand for Unsustainable Products: There is still a high demand for unsustainable products, such as those made from non-renewable resources or harmful chemicals. That makes it challenging to transition to more sustainable production and consumption patterns.

3. Cost and Infrastructure: The transition to sustainable production and consumption patterns requires significant investment in infrastructure and technology, which can be expensive. It can be a barrier for smaller businesses and developing countries.

4. Limited Resources and Capacity: Many countries need more resources and capacity to implement sustainable practices and policies, making it difficult to achieve SDG 12.


Supply Chain Complexities: The complexity of global supply networks can make tracing the origin and sustainability of items challenging. That can make it difficult to ensure products are produced sustainably throughout the supply chain.

Trade-offs and Conflicts: Trade-offs and conflicts between economic growth and sustainability may make it challenging to balance the two objectives.

Overall, achieving SDG 12 will require addressing these challenges and promoting sustainable practices at all levels, from individuals to businesses to governments.


SDG 12 Case study

One case study that highlights progress towards SDG 12 is the H&M Group's "Close the Loop" initiative. H&M is a global fashion retailer that has committed to promoting sustainable production and consumption patterns through a range of industries, including:

1. Collecting and Recycling Clothing: H&M has established a clothing collection program in all its stores, where customers can recycle their used clothing—the ordered clothing processes to create new products, reducing waste sent to landfills.

2. Sustainable Materials: H&M has committed to sourcing 100% sustainable cotton by 2020 and has also started using sustainable materials such as recycled polyester and organic linen.

3. Energy Efficiency: H&M has committed to reducing its carbon emissions by 40% by 2030 and has implemented energy-efficient practices in its stores and production facilities.

4. Education and Awareness: H&M has also launched educational campaigns to raise awareness about sustainable fashion and promote responsible consumption habits among its customers.

Through these initiatives, H&M is promoting.


SDG 12 Responsible Production and Consumption

SDG 12 aspires to encourage sustainable consumption and production patterns that reduce the negative impact of human activities on the environment and society. That includes reducing waste and pollution, increasing resource efficiency, and promoting sustainable production and consumption patterns.

Responsible production and consumption can achieve through a range of strategies and initiatives, including:


1. Sustainable Production: Encouraging sustainable production practices such as using renewable energy sources, reducing waste and emissions, and using environmentally friendly materials.

2. Sustainable Consumption: Encouraging responsible consumption habits such as buying environmentally friendly products, reducing consumption of single-use items, and recycling.

Extended Producer Responsibility: Making manufacturers accountable for their goods' environmental effects throughout their life cycle, from manufacturing to disposal.

Circular Economy: Promoting a circular economy model that prioritizes reducing waste, reusing materials, and recycling to create a closed-loop system.

Sustainable Supply Chains: Encouraging sustainable practices throughout the supply chain, from raw material procurement to product transportation and distribution

Education and Awareness: Promoting education and understanding about sustainable expenditure and production patterns, along with our actions' environmental and social effects.

By implementing these strategies, individuals, businesses, and governments can work together to achieve SDG 12 and promote responsible consumption and production patterns that support a sustainable future.


Ensure Sustainable Production and Consumption patterns

There are numerous activities that people, corporations, and governments may take to guarantee sustainable production and consumption patterns:

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle: Adopting the 3Rs principle will help reduce waste and promote sustainable consumption patterns. It includes reducing consumption, reusing items, and recycling materials to minimize the negative impact on the environment.

Use Sustainable Materials: Use environmentally friendly and sustainable materials that minimize the negative impact on the environment.

Invest in Renewable Energy: Use renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydropower to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable production.

Adopt Circular Economy Models: Promote circular economy models that prioritize reducing waste, reusing materials, and recycling to create a closed-loop system.

Encourage Sustainable Supply Chains: Encourage sustainable practices across the supply chain, from raw material procurement to product transportation and distribution.


1. Raise Awareness: Educate and raise awareness about sustainable production and consumption patterns, including our actions' environmental and social impact.


2. Implement Regulations and Policies: Governments can implement regulations and policies that promote sustainable production and consumption patterns, including extended producer responsibility and incentives for sustainable practices.

By taking these actions, individuals, businesses, and governments can ensure sustainable production and consumption patterns that minimize the terrible impact on the environment and society.


Global Goal 12

Global Goal 12, SDG 12, is part of the United Nations' 2030 Program for Sustainable Development. It focuses on promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns to ensure the responsible use of natural resources, reduce waste and pollution, and reduce the inverse effects of human activity on the environment and society.

SDG 12 targets various issues, including sustainable resource management, sustainable production, sustainable consumption, waste reduction, and pollution control. The goal aims to support economic growth and development while protecting the environment and promoting social well-being.

Achieving SDG 12 requires the involvement of all stakeholders, including individuals, businesses, and governments. It involves adopting sustainable production and consumption patterns, investing in renewable energy, promoting sustainable supply chains, and raising awareness about the importance of sustainable development.

The achievement of SDG 12 is crucial for the sustainability of our planet and the well-being of present and future generations. We can promote sustainable consumption and production patterns supporting a healthy world and thriving communities by working together and taking action.


SDG 12 Targets and Indicators

SDG 12 has 11 targets and 14 indicators to measure progress toward achieving the goal. The targets are:

1. Performance of the 10-Year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP), all countries taking action, with exhibited countries taking the lead, taking into account the development and strength of rising states.

2. By 2030, gain sustainable management and proficient use of intrinsic capital.

3. By 2030, halve per capita worldwide food loss at peddle and client levels and decrease food losses along creation and supply chains, including post-harvest losses.

4. By 2020, gain the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all destructions throughout their life cycle by confirmed international frameworks and significantly decrease their release to air, water, and soil to reduce their adverse influence on human health and the environment.

5. By 2030, reduce waste generation through prevention, recycling, and reuse.

6. Encourage substantial and transnational companies to accept sustainable practices and integrate sustainability facts into their reporting cycle.

7. Promote sustainable public procurement practices following national policies and precedence.

8. By 2030, confirm that people everywhere have the related information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles harmoniously with habit.

9. Aid developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity for sustainable consumption and production patterns.

10. Develop and equip tools to monitor sustainable development initiatives for sustainable tourism that create jobs and enhance regional culture and products.

Justify unskilled fossil fuel subsidies that promote wasteful consumption by eliminating market distortions based on typical conditions.


The 14 indicators to measure progress towards these targets are:

1. Domestic material consumption per capita

2. Domestic material consumption per GDP

3. Carbon footprint per capita

4. Carbon footprint per GDP

5. Hazardous waste generated per capita

6. Hazardous waste generated per GDP

7. Municipal solid waste generated per capita

8. The municipal solid waste generated per GDP

9. Food loss index

10. Domestic material consumption, and domestic material consumption per capita, of wood and wood products

11. Several sustainable tourism strategies, policies, and action plans with agreed-upon monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are in place

12. Subsidies for fossil fuels as a percentage of GDP (production and consumption)

13. Percentage of companies publishing sustainability reports

14. The proportion of sustainable public procurement processes


How to Fulfill SDG 12 by Fabric Lagbe

As an e-commerce platform for fabric and textile products, Fabric Lagbe can contribute to the fulfillment of SDG 12 in several ways:

1. Sustainable sourcing: Fabric Lagbe can prioritize sourcing from suppliers who use sustainable practices, such as using organic or recycled materials, minimizing waste, and reducing their carbon footprint.

Eco-friendly packaging: Fabric Lagbe can use eco-friendly materials such as converted paper or biodegradable plastics to decrease waste and pollution.

1. Educate customers: Fabric Lagbe can educate customers about sustainable production and consumption practices, such as using eco-friendly laundry detergents, avoiding single-use plastics, and supporting sustainable fashion brands.

2. Reduce waste: Fabric Lagbe can minimize waste by offering fabric cuttings and scraps for sale or donation to reduce textile waste.

3. Sustainable logistics: Fabric Lagbe can reduce its carbon footprint by using low-emission vehicles for transportation and optimizing delivery routes.

4. Promote sustainable fashion: Fabric Lagbe can encourage customers to make sustainable choices by offering eco-friendly fabrics and promoting sustainable fashion brands.

5. Partner with sustainable organizations: Fabric Lagbe can partner with sustainable organizations, such as non-profits or sustainability-focused companies, to promote sustainable production and consumption practices.

By implementing these actions, Fabric Lagbe can contribute to fulfilling SDG 12 by promoting sustainable production and consumption patterns in the textile industry, minimizing waste and pollution, and reducing the opposite impact of human activities on the environment and society.